Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 2nd, 2014: Moving Back To The Track

So we have been spending a great deal of time working on landscaping so we decided to start August by cleaning the tracks, running the trains and trying to fix some issues that have been plaguing us for quite some time.  The last time we worked on the electrical, we found that some wires had snapped from their connections and there was a short circuit somewhere.  Another issue that has been driving us nuts for the last year or so is that on the southwest part of our outer track (Track 1), as the train comes down past a switch and around a curve, the back truck of the loco would kick out and when it hit the double crossover track it would derail completely.  A solution has been found!  We tore the track up and cleared the landscaping from around it and then reassembled it and let the train run on it without securing it to the foam...and the derailing no longer happens!  So we made use of Fusion Fiber to secure the track in its naturally stable state and redo the landscaping at the same time.  Result?  Our longest-standing issue with the layout has finally been resolved.

Photos will be coming in additional posts.  Blogger is not allowing me to save with photos on this post!

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