Saturday, July 18, 2015

July 18th, 2015: The Mountain Takes Shape! (PART 2)

Next, the road had to be shaped and covered in gypsum.  The hot wire routing table was used to accomplish the shaping of the foam and setting of the grade of the roadway.

The foam, once in place, had to have the lower waterfall area carved into it. 

The newly carved foam areas were covered with gypsum and then painted.

Silicone was used to create the lower falls and stream.  It was covered in clear polycrylic but it developed a weird yellow color to it so it had to be painted to cover it up.

Next up is finishing the slaughterhouse which will go in the lower right area in the above photo:

And then the mountain has to be covered in greenery and trees.  Once that is done, the roadway will be finished and the bridges put in place...and the main part of the layout will be completed.

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